Join the Society
Members receive
How to join
You can either apply online using the form below, or download our paper application form and use that.
Further information from the Membership Secretary, Dr Mark Riley, Department of Geography, Environmental Science, 512 Roxby Building, University of Liverpool, L69 7ZY.
email: [email protected]
Subscription rate
The annual subscription rate is £30 for individuals and families.
Family membership is available to two members of one family living at the same address, who will jointly receive one copy of each edition of Landscape History and the newsletter.
The annual subscription runs from 1 January until 31 December each year. Members joining during the year receive all the publications for that calendar year.
Gift Aid
The Society is a registered charity, and so if you are a UK taxpayer the Gift Aid scheme allows us to reclaim the tax that you have already paid on your subscription. This means that the value of your subscription is considerably increased, but at no cost to you. All you have to do is to complete the declaration at the end of the application form.
The amount of tax that you pay in any one tax year needs to be at least equal to the total amount that will be reclaimed on all your Gift Aid donations. You should not make a declaration if you are claiming your subscription as an expense against tax.
Application form
Please enter your details below. After sending the form your online payment will be taken securely through Stripe.
Protecting your data
The Society for Landscape Studies is a registered data user under the Data Protection Act 1984, and is committed to upholding the eight Data Protection Principles of good information handling practice.